Is Your Body in Pain?
We can help you with that!
General chiropractic adjusting helps with all sorts of physical ailments. From Headaches, asthma, gall bladder, shoulder problems, to auto accidents, and stomach aches. We’ve helped thousands of patients, with these conditions, heal their bodies with the power that created the body. A standard course of care for these conditions may involve additional procedures as well such as electric stimulation, Ice, or stretching and exercises. For these sorts of conditions your medical insurance may pay for some of your care.
Are You Feeling Like Something is off?
We can help you with that!
General chiropractic adjusting along with Tone Chiropractic adjusting can help to restore your general feeling of wellness. We all have those moments when we’re feeling like something isn’t balanced and just need an adjustment. For this sort of care your insurance company will not want to be involved. They don’t consider this care “medically necessary”. It’s like changing the oil in your car; you have to do it to keep it running well, but your car insurance won’t pay for it. Don’t worry, we have reasonable prices and are willing to work with you on getting the help you need.
Are You Looking For Improved Health and Performance?
We can help you with that!
This is where our particular brand of Chiropractic shines. Improving Health and Performance is what Tone Chiropractic is all about. As we grow up from little children our nervous system create neurological patterns to streamline actions. Any athlete or musician can tell you training is building solid patterns so that actions become second nature. When those patterns are laid on a firm foundation your performance is amazing, but if you’ve built patterns over time on top of other patterns that are adapting for weakness, you may be feeling great, and doing good, but you could always do better. Again, just as with feeling a little bit off, your insurance company won’t pay for this care, but you know getting to the top is worth the little extra effort.
Do You Have Something in your past?
We can help you with that!
Tone Chiropractic is the art of changing your nervous system memory to help you let go of the past and focus on the present. That may be anything from overcoming a traumatic physical injury to a traumatic emotional experience. This is what truly sets our practice apart from other Chiropractors you’ve been to. The changes to emotional and physical health associated with these adjustments are subtle, but profound. It really is something that needs to be experienced to believe, but once you have you’ll be happy you did.
Do You Understand What Makes You Alive and Want to Maximize Your Health?
We can help you with that!
Do you understand that there is an energy that exists within you that takes care of your body? If you do, then you know that some day that energy will cease to dwell within your body and at that time you will be considered dead. Until then helping that energy do its job is the best thing you can do for your health, and Tone Chiropractic is that help.